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StudMath-IT is aimed both to students from “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, as well as to students from other universities. Participation can be both individual or as teams, and all students enrolled in BSc, MSc, or PhD programs are encouraged to attend and participate.

StudMath-IT is divided in two main sections: MATHEMATICS and COMPUTER SCIENCE. The research topics of interest are wide and should pertain to one of these two sections, or to their applications.

The official language of the conference is English.

The manuscripts should be drafted using the Word template provided  on Author’s Guidelines page. Once ready, the manuscripts should be sent via EasyChair:

EasyChair Submission

The accepted manuscripts will be published in the the Volume of Abstracts of the conference.

Accepted papers will have to be presented using the computers and projectors available in the meeting rooms. Presentations are open and it is to be expected that faculty members and/or other students might attend and could ask questions.

The papers will be ranked by an international scientific committee, and the top ones will receive awards. The list of Best Paper Awards will be available on the website: http://studmathit.uav.ro/.

Best papers will be invited to publish an extended version of the presented work in post conference volume with ISSN. The manuscripts should be drafted using the Word template provided  on Author’s Guidelines page.


Important Dates:

– Full Paper Draft Submission: November 1, 2021
– Notification of Acceptance/Rejection of Extended Abstracts: November 5, 2021
– Conference: November 18-19, 2021

The conference is also visible on:


Invited Partners:




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